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Swole Shred

6 Weeks / 4 Days a week

Swole Shred

Swole Shred

6 Weeks / 4 Days a week

Swole Shred

6 Weeks / 4 Days a week

Workout Goals

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

6 minutes Every Minute on the minute:
:20 second Max Rep Dumbbell Bench Press / Floor Press
-rest the remaining :40 Seconds

*increase weight if you can or choose a weight that will give you a pump. I would use 50’s for this. You have 20 seconds to do as many reps as you can and then rest the next 40 seconds.

-3 Minute rest-

6 minute Every Minute on the Minute:
:20 second Max Rep Dumbbell Bent Row (standing or using an elevated bench)

*increase weight if you can or choose a weight that will give you a pump. I would use 50’s for this as well. You have 20 seconds to do as many reps as you can and then rest the next 30 seconds

Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Chest / Beginner
6 sets, MAX reps00:00:20, 00:40 rest
6 00:00:20 MAX -- 00:40
Lats / Intermediate
6 sets, MAX reps00:00:20, 00:40 rest
6 00:00:20 MAX -- 00:40
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
Scoring: Reps

Workout Plan Summary

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to... more

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to suit your fitness goals, whether you're aiming for hypertrophy, strength, or overall conditioning. Elevate your training with Swole Shred and see impressive results in just six weeks.

Notes for Week 1, Day 2

4 Sets *Superset*:
12 Reverse Bent Row
12 Alternating Front Raises
12 Alternating High Pulls 20/10 pounds or choose a weight you can do 12 unbroken fresh
-90 second rest between sets

Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Middle Back / Intermediate
4 sets, 12 reps
4 12 -- --:-- 4 rds
Shoulders / Beginner
4 sets, 12 reps
4 12 -- --:-- 4 rds
4 sets, 12 reps
4 12 -- --:-- 4 rds
4 sets, 00:01:30
4 00:01:30 --:-- 4 rds
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
Scoring: Load

Workout Plan Summary

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to... more

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to suit your fitness goals, whether you're aiming for hypertrophy, strength, or overall conditioning. Elevate your training with Swole Shred and see impressive results in just six weeks.

8 Minutes to complete as many times as possible:
8 Bench Press Flys
12 alternating bench press *or lay on an object ground to perform
10 Push Ups
6 renegade rows without the push ups

25/15 would be my recommended weight or something you can complete the flys with, unbroken fresh. Post the weight you used in the Notes.

Scoring: Rounds / Reps

Workout Plan Summary

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to... more

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to suit your fitness goals, whether you're aiming for hypertrophy, strength, or overall conditioning. Elevate your training with Swole Shred and see impressive results in just six weeks.

Notes for Week 1, Day 4

Death by Reverse Lunge Ladder:
2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18…. Every 45 seconds restart:

Minute 1 perform 2 Reverse Lunges in place, minute 2 - 4 lunges, minute 3 - 6 lunges until you fail to complete the lunges in the :45 second window. 35/20# dumbbells is what I would recommend. Score total reps completed

Use a weight that will be challenging for you

Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
20 sets, MAX reps00:00:45
20 00:00:45 MAX --:-- 6 rds for 10:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
Scoring: Reps

Workout Plan Summary

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to... more

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to suit your fitness goals, whether you're aiming for hypertrophy, strength, or overall conditioning. Elevate your training with Swole Shred and see impressive results in just six weeks.

4 Sets:
:30 Second Wall Sit
400 M Run

*no rest complete this for time, should feel like you are a baby deer!

Scoring: Time

Workout Plan Summary

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to... more

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to suit your fitness goals, whether you're aiming for hypertrophy, strength, or overall conditioning. Elevate your training with Swole Shred and see impressive results in just six weeks.

Notes for Week 1, Day 6

2 Sets:
1 Minute Max Dumbbell Strict Press
1 Minute Max Dumbbell Push Press

-90 second rest -

*there is no rest between the strict press and push press

Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
2 sets, MAX reps00:01:00
2 00:01:00 MAX --:-- Block A -- 2 rds
2 sets, MAX reps00:01:00
2 00:01:00 MAX --:-- Block A -- 2 rds
2 sets, 00:01:30
2 00:01:30 --:-- Block A -- 2 rds
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
Scoring: Reps

Workout Plan Summary

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to... more

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to suit your fitness goals, whether you're aiming for hypertrophy, strength, or overall conditioning. Elevate your training with Swole Shred and see impressive results in just six weeks.

Notes for Week 1, Day 7

3 Sets:
:45 second Max Dumbbell Lateral Raises
:45 second Max Dumbbell Front Raises
45 second Max Push ups

-90 second rest between sets-

Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Shoulders / Beginner
3 sets, MAX reps00:00:45
3 00:00:45 MAX --:-- Block A -- 3 rds
Shoulders / Beginner
3 sets, MAX reps00:00:45
3 00:00:45 MAX --:-- Block A -- 3 rds
Chest / Beginner
3 sets, MAX reps00:00:45
3 00:00:45 MAX --:-- Block A -- 3 rds
3 sets, 00:01:30
3 00:01:30 --:-- Block A -- 3 rds
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
Scoring: Reps

Workout Plan Summary

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to... more

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to suit your fitness goals, whether you're aiming for hypertrophy, strength, or overall conditioning. Elevate your training with Swole Shred and see impressive results in just six weeks.

Notes for Week 1, Day 8

3 Sets:
1 Minute Max Curls (with a weight you can do 10-15 unbroken with)
1 Minute Max Band Pushdowns/Skull Crushers on bench/object/or lying on the ground

-1 minute rest between sets-

Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Biceps / Beginner
3 sets, MAX reps00:01:00
3 00:01:00 MAX --:-- Block A -- 3 rds
Triceps / Beginner
3 sets, MAX reps00:01:00
3 00:01:00 MAX --:-- Block A -- 3 rds
1 sets, 00:01:00
1 00:01:00 --:--
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
Scoring: Reps

Workout Plan Summary

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to... more

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to suit your fitness goals, whether you're aiming for hypertrophy, strength, or overall conditioning. Elevate your training with Swole Shred and see impressive results in just six weeks.

Notes for Week 1, Day 9

Every 2:30 Minutes x 5 Sets:
10 Right Leg Dumbbell Split Squat
10 Left Leg Dumbbell Split Squat (As heavy as you can go)
14 Alternating Bent Row

*You can also increase weight for the dumbbells each set. Have the dumbbells rest on your shoulder

Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
5 sets, 10 reps00:02:30
5 10 -- --:-- Block A -- 5 rds for 02:30
5 sets, 20 reps
5 20 -- --:-- Block A -- 5 rds for 02:30
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
Scoring: Load

Workout Plan Summary

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to... more

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to suit your fitness goals, whether you're aiming for hypertrophy, strength, or overall conditioning. Elevate your training with Swole Shred and see impressive results in just six weeks.

4 Sets x Every 3 Minutes:
Run 400 Meters then perform Max Dumbbell Squats (using final Split Squat weight)

*Goal is to have around 1 minute of squats. Shorten the run if you start having 30 seconds or less.

Scoring: Reps

Workout Plan Summary

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to... more

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to suit your fitness goals, whether you're aiming for hypertrophy, strength, or overall conditioning. Elevate your training with Swole Shred and see impressive results in just six weeks.

6 minute As Many Reps As Possible:
10 Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press
10 Dumbbell Strict Press/ Push Press *you choose
10 Dumbbell Deadlifts

*this should get very challenging so choose a weight that is challenging, yet you can keep moving with! Have different weights at each movement if necessary

Scoring: Rounds / Reps

Workout Plan Summary

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to... more

Swole Shred" is a results-driven, 6-week, 4-day-a-week program exclusively available on Zeus Method. Crafted with only dumbbells, it offers both versatility and effectiveness in your fitness journey. With the flexibility to choose from one or all of the daily workouts, this program is tailored to suit your fitness goals, whether you're aiming for hypertrophy, strength, or overall conditioning. Elevate your training with Swole Shred and see impressive results in just six weeks.